Well, if we didn’t anger the gods last show, Where’s My Jetpack’s Dave Wilke helps us bat clean-up. This time out, we collectively diss the failed promise that was supposed to be a greener, cleaner Jetpack in every home. Oh, and we give Jack Bauer a little what for too. French politics and marble countertops? Well, ya just hafta listen to find out! More Dave on Twitter as well as a lotta places else!
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00:00 – 1. Intro to a failed America
15:06 – 2. Jack Bauer saves America
23:10 – 3. Maps
28:48 – 4. Watching you
41:08 – 5. A Return To Americana
1:05:30 – 6. Wrap
- McDonald’s streams music.
- Jetpacks alligator break.
- christophe aguiton, kevin slavin and maps.
- V.
- Article on the iPhone.
- Gator rescue girl.
- Yahoo search share stats. (Correction to segment: Profits up while search share is slightly down.)
- TV is headed in this direction.
- Revised gator strategy: just fucking run.
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