Monday, December 06, 2010

AdVerve 57: Putting the “Me” in Media

Play the show now.

And the I. That picture is the self-promotional Apocalypse, innit? Never have so many done so much with so little. We’re not hatin, we’ll take any endorsement deal. But ya gotta draw a line, no? Unless these three are just doing what we expect the rich and fabulous to do. NAMELY BE RICH AND FABULOUS.

Along the way we rail against the Man™ for not giving us the Super Funkadelic All-in-One Viewing Device so we never have to leave our couches. Angela dishes on her love as we go off on curators as the new... oh, and Justin Bieber’s manstache. We also try out a new shorter format. Think of it like AdVerve concentrate.

It’s got linkability too:

- Kevin Bacon’s Logitech Revue.
- La Senza bra choir.
- Michael Bay’s Secret.
- Kardashian Kredit Kard Kaput.


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